Happy Faces principal Narcisa Cassidy, Magda and Johan Maritz of Bobaas Donkeys showoff the geyser donated to the school.

BY: Refilwe Sebola

Happy Faces Preprimary School in Ga-Kobjana in Bolobedu South, received a worthy donation of a 200 litre geyser from a geyser manufacturing company called Bobaas Donkeys last Thursday.

 The donation was presented to the school by the Manufacturer himself Johan and his wife Magda and was gladly received by the thankful school principal Narcisa Cassidy in the presence of all the learners and their teachers.

Bobaas Donkeys are the manufacturers of unique geysers otherwise known as “Donkeys”.

Their geysers uses fire to heat up the water instead of electricity and they come in three standard units of 100 litre, 150 and 200 litres. The 200 litres geyser which was donated to the school was their biggest standard unit which cost R8000.

Speaking on behalf of the school Principal Cassidy said she was grateful that they will now have warm water to wash their hands especially in the cold weather.

Teachers, school management, learners and the donors

Jubilant learners